This place is huge and I didn't realize how big it was till I walked in.
I had previewed what they carried online and knew exactly what I wanted as I was planning a quick cash and carry dash but after seeing the setup ended up spending more time here.
There are only two store of this chain based out of US in Canada (checking out their website made me realize their parent company own pottery barn and Williams and Sonoma)
The feel is more open and seems to be targeted towards eco frendly stuff (whatever that means after you start counting the carbon foot print!) Some interesting items that would entice you make spur of the moment purchase.
The service kind of surprised me initially as I couldn't find any associates in the area I was making my purchase at. I mean they are selling somewhat luxury items here and thus being pampered is part and parcel of the experience.
Things did improve when I was at the cashier as I wanted to check the item I bought before taking it home. There was a mix up of sort and the cashier left the spot and assisted me by walking all the way to the area where my item was located and spent quite a bit of time getting me the item I wanted. She was knowledgeable of the stuff they were selling and helped me quite a bit.
There was a steady flow customer and they seemed to have hit the sweet spot for the eco conscience and well heeled.
There are quite a few interesting items here folks and if you are looking for an alternate to your regular lifestyle store I think this one is worth a look.
3.5 Stars.