Having lived in the San Francisco bay area as well as having been to China several times (where the food is no better than you can get in the Bay Area!) I can say with conviction that great Chinese food does not exist in the Midwest. That said, Tom's Red Pepper is your best option for Chinese food on the west side of Madison (Soga Shabu-Shabu and Ichiban are probably the best in Madison). I live 3 minutes away so have never ordered delivery (figure it'll be hotter if I get it myself!) so I can't comment on that. But when we're in the mood for Chinese food, Tom's is our go-to choice. The owners are there every time (I think Tom also does most of the deliveries) and are nice, friendly, hardworking people. And yeah, you do get a lot of food for your money, but unlike most Chinese restaurants in Madison you can actually look forward to eating the leftovers.