If you value your money and your sanity, you will avoid this practice. I was referred to a dermatologist at this office by my primary physician. The visit went fine and I had no problems with the doctor that I saw. The stressful part happened when I was speaking with my insurance company a month or so after my visit about a totally different matter. My insurance company informed me that Piedmont Plastic overcharged me and that I was due a refund. Was the refund large? No, it was a little over $50, but it represented over 40% of what I was asked to pay when I saw the doctor. I immediately called Piedmont Plastic and they did confirm that they owed me money and that "the check would be in the mail". Over a month passed and I did not get a refund. I then had numerous conversations with a person at that office and a different person at the billing department. It was unbelievable the different stories I received between these two people. I truly felt that I was being given the run-around. Eventually, the refund check did arrive. But rest well-assured that I will never step foot in that office again!