The wait is finally over.
Behold, the new and magnificently improved Morrison Regional Library!
After closing for a little over a year for renovations, the library reopened in mid-December. The most wonderful surprise is that the renovations are MUCH more extensive than patrons were made to expect. The whole building was practically gutted, and a refreshingly more modern concept was brought to life.
There are THREE new private group study rooms, each bathed with natural light from large windows. All new IKEA-like furniture throughout the entire library. Teens have been given a much larger enclosed area, the computer lab is now generously spacious and filled with natural light, there is a vending machine cafe to enjoy a snack...just too many terrific improvements to mention. You'll just have to plan a visit.
And get this...there is a laptop borrowing machine. Ha! Never seen one of these before and apparently it is the first in the CharMeck Library system. If you don't feel like lugging your own laptop or tablet to the library, or you don't feel like sitting in the technology lab to use one of the computers, you can swipe your card and be granted use of a laptop or chromebook for up to 2 hours. You can then find a quiet corner or lounge chair and get to work in complete isolation.
A library advocate, I am overjoyed to see that public funds have been used so effectively in the design and utility of this exciting new facility. Well done CharMeck Library!