Shame on the city of Phoenix: A group of us ate at a downtown restaurant and we returned to the parking lot a meter maid was putting tickets on are cars she said it was for parking on a dust-dirt lot the fine was $285.The owner came out and said she is wrong it is not a dirt lot it is graveled and meets all parking regulations and told us to go to the zoning commission and get the copy of the permit and take it to court, he also said to call her supervisor and let him know about the permit, also he said the meter maid lets the city of phoenix use the lot on a daily basis and they are never citied, even the city and state employees are not cited when they eat at the restaurant only his customers and employees get tickets. I went to the zoning commission and got the permit then called her supervisor he said he does not know why she writes on this lot but she can write tickets to who ever she wants and she does not write tickets to city and state vehicles. I took pictures of the graveled lot, the paperwork from the zoning commission to court and the judge refuse to acknowledge my stuff for evidence she said I was guilty, the meter maid said in court it was a dirt lot but it was graveled, I ask the judge why have a dust law when the city and state vehicle uses the lot every day and the meter maid can let them break the law, I know the judge had her mind made up before the hearing, with the court fee the fine was $316,never will me or my family members ever attend a city of Phoenix function. Hope the city of Phoenix enjoys the $316 they illegally took from me.