Live in the area but I heard that the 2.5 hour tour was full of historical facts that I probably wouldn't know. It did not disappoint! Our guide, PJ, provided an excellent background of the founding of Cleveland and its golden days in the 1920s.
I think it's easy to forget how much of big deal Cleveland used to be in its prime, but this tour will fill you with wonderful tid bits of information about all of the historic buildings and also newer developments in the city. It's great to see how much Cleveland is turning around and I think this tour does a good job at highlighting that!
As another reviewer mentioned a lot of locals in the city will wave at you on the trolley which is flat out adorable. I am going to make a point to do that next time I see it! PJ was a wonderful guide and I loved her playful road rage comments throughout the trip.
I loved this tour. If you take it on a warm bright day and sit in the back half it feels fantastic and got me really excited about my city! For $20 it can't be beat!