| - I had a good time at this place, but it's not my typical places it wasn't really a dive bar it was more like a crackhead hang out, the bartender was nice and hooked up the drinks! There were a few regulars and a group (8) guys and girls in there mid tweenties there and then my friends and a couple of people we meet over at hazelwoods. the group and my friends made this for a good time, I don't think the regulars like us to much, but what can you do but have fun! I guess some guy was treating a women badly in the back so some guy assulted him, I didn't see it but two other guys there recorded it and showed the bartender she kicked him out but he wouldn't leave, so she called the cops, while the cops were on there way I went out back to smoke and the guy was out there talking pretty crazy, I pretty much just made fun of him and talked trash to him, he asked if I was carrying (a gun) and I said always he asked to see it and told him no that if he saw it I would have to kill him, he pretend to pull a gun on me and I laughed at him. I think I scared him a little and he walked out the front of the bar and the cops were there and took him to jail, I was kind of surprised that the bartender actually called the cops but hey good for her. Overall the night was fairly fun it had it's ups and downs most people there were trying to have a god time and I think everyone did for the most part. If you like a good hard cheap drink this is a good place to go, but only if you think you can tolerate some of the crackheads that hang out in there, I'm not saying everyone that hangs out there is a crackhead but there are some that hang out there forsure! If you do go I'm sure the least you get is a good story out of it.