I used to park at this place where parking was cheap - $5 a day and I got exactly that...cheap service. Finally I got fed up with that parking lot and decoded to give Blue Sky a shot. Good thing I did because they do not disappoint!
Here's a brief synopsis of Blue Sky:
*Courteous drivers who are always cheerful and have smiles on their faces.
*Round the clock shuttles so there's one always bound to stop at whatever terminal you arrive from.
*Clean and well lit facility that gives you the option for covered or uncovered parking.
*The option for online reservations which gives you discounts!
*A free cookie voucher at Paradise Bakery (who can resist a yummy cookie from Paradise?!).
*They are ready with supplies in the event that your car doesn't start...think dead battery, no gas, flat tire, etc.
If this doesn't convince you to try them, then I don't know what will. You gotta try Blue Sky! I promise you won't be disappointed! If you are, you will get a cookie for a consolation prize!