My husband and I were with Johnson insurance for a little over 25 years. Over those years, they were known under different company names and we knew many of their insurance agents over that time. Service was great and we never really had any problems with them, other than the fact that they were always experiencing staff turnovers which had us dealing with one agent after another. That was inconvenient. The real problem came 2 years ago, after my husband died. I stayed with Johnson for my insurance needs, however, once they learned that my husband had died and I was alone paying the bills, they increased my home and auto insurance slowly over the 2 year period to a level I could no longer afford. I struggled with them to get better rates and in the end I had to cancel my insurance policies with them and find better insurance rates elsewhere which I did find.
By the way, Johnson is one of the insurance companies that had huge pay outs for insurance claims after the 2013 Calgary flood. They charge higher insurance rates as a result. You can pay higher if you don't shop around. There are companies out there that charge lower premiums for excellent insurance coverage. A great place to start are the major banks. You'd be surprised how much you'll save.