| - You save on gas but pay out your A$$...My opinion is that bus drivers are very verbally abusive and the accountability for them is very minimal. I have been screamed at for not standing in the correct spot when I was near the bus sign but not i guess directly in front of it...and for placing my bike on the wrong end of the bike rack, as well as numerous other unusual items..I have also seen bums on the bus asking teenagers for money and trying to intimidate them while the driver does nothing about it , when you bring it to their attention and still lets the bum stay on the bus. There are a lot of dangerous people on the bus who come from probation offices, halfway houses, and I even saw a guy with an ankle bracelet who was telling everyone about just gettting out of prison, give out his phone number to a couple girls...Today some crazy church lady got out of a car and approached us as the bus pulled up to try to give us some unwanted religious magazine even though we told her to get lost so we could hop this bus quickly and get to work...she kept mumbling and talking to us like some selfish pyscho...Bus driver also drive right past you if you sit at the bus bench and then yell at you if they decide to screech stop a foot or 2 after you jump up; by scolding you to stand up and wildly flail your arms so they know you are waiting/wanting the bus...Hey is there a rule book they should give out instead of this random yelling of rules because everytime I call the bus operations center and belive you me, I DO...they email me they will discipline the driver and that I can stand, place bike or flail arms however and whenever I would like to...(well how about conduct and customer service for bus drivers..."if you have something to say, say something nicely" is my motto..Overall riding the bus or being at bus stops is very dangerous and everyone should carry mace or an ice pick. You also have to be careful exiting the bus that you dont get run over and of course sitting at the bus bench, usually there is some drunk slob sleeping on it, peeing it or people will drive by asking you for cigarettes and rolling papers or dates etc...Ive noticed the best way to ride the bus is to be earphoned into an ipod and 2nd but not recommended is bury your face in a book and dont sit anywhere near the bus bench unless you want to engage in psychotic conversations because you are like a sitting target. You may save money riding the bus but you will pay 3 times as much in stress. The bus drivers are very rude and scream at you whenever they feel like it... Riding the bus is similiar to being in a captive area where you are a victim to many outside influences. The rail is the same way, especially around the library, many dangerous people on the rail. The only nice experience i had on the bus is using the Express bus from the park and rides that go straight downtown...its all quiet, mannerly people going to work except even though there are cameras on the parking lot, two people told me their cars were broken into and then their house robbed when their garage openers were stolen from the glove boxes along with mail showing their you need to pay to install an alarm and have nothing in the car. Like I may save a couple bucks on gas but you will pay out your a$$ when you ride the bus. Luckily I ride it only once in awhile to work but I just cant stand it on a regular basis.