A great place to eat when it's super late or if it's your birthday (hello 10% discount). The food isn't bad here but don't expect good service especially if they're crowded. The servers often look overwhelmed when guests are consistently rolling in and they might ignore you and avoid eye contact but eventually they'll seat you if it's busy.
The menu is vast and they have a good selection. The prices are cheap as well. The food is good and you can get some pretty good deals for afternoon or late dinner. They also have a popular 20 piece Wings special for $16.99 or if you grab 1 pitcher of any drink the special is $9.99. I've seen lots of people order this. Hollywood also offers all day breakfast for under $10 -- bread, ham and egg plus a macaroni dish of your choice. :)
Overall I would come again as a late night snack if I was hungry as they are open until 1:00 AM and on weekends, 3:00. :)