If you want to see a hokey light show chock full of product placement while standing shoulder to shoulder with smelly trailer trash that were to cheap or couldn't afford to stay on the strip for their Vegas vacation then the free show at the Fremont street experience is for you! Cheap casinos on Fremont offer the best gaming odds at the lowest stakes but the dealers are bitchy and the rooms are disgusting. Wander outside of the canopy without a bulletproof vest at your own risk! If you are not covered in tats, armed and rolling with a gang you will be fucked with! Under the canopy most people will be sloppy drunk by 9pm. On holiday you can expect to see fist fight on the street and couples drama that will rival old Jerry Springer. Fremont is good to experience just to say you did it, but for your overall stay..... It's Vegas baby! Treat yourself!