First off I was locked in the bathroom by a faulty lock. Was a small sticker sized notice that couldn't read without my glasses. Can we say fire hazard ? I had to text my dinning partner to have a staff member get me out of there.
Next our appetizers came out , we ordered spring rolls and got egg rolls . I told them they gave us the wrong thing and proceeded to say I didn't specify the right type of spring roll . She wasn't taking no for an answer , eat the egg rolls or go with out. There is only 1 type of spring roll on menu . Since there is a check in offer for a free order of egg rolls , I wouldn't want it if you gave it to me for free. I shoved the order in the middle of the table and said I am not eating this, please bring me my spring rolls. So they came back with 1 order of spring rolls, we had two. So now we had to go to the counter to ask for our second order.They decided to short us one to make up for the 60 cent price difference . Told them to bring it out and we would pay difference . After I walked away the girl behind the counter told her boss that we agreed to accept only 1. The boss, owner , or who ever he was wouldn't come up and talk to us . He stayed behind he counter and looked at me. I assume the girl who said we owed 60 cents more or we were getting shorted was related to him.The whole time they were making this our fault.
The order taker, when we placed the order repeated the order and said spring rolls. Next our meal came out . I had Korean soup he had cashew nut chicken. Neither had any taste . The broth was non existent. The rice paper on the rolls was so old it was tough and partially uneatable. I couldn't teat it apart with both hands. We watched other people's spring rolls come out . They looked fresh and nicely presented. So we got thrown some old nasty rolls for "ordering wrong ". Never coming back here again. Horrible service and horrible fast food . Horrible management.I Walked out of there angry . Everything you ever wanted in a dining experience.