| - Me reviewing a bowling alley is almost as laughable my mad Bingo skills. In the past 10 years, I've been to three bowling alleys: Suncoast; Red Rock (for Roger's Pimpin' UYE and a few private parties there) and here, during LV Yeeps longest UYE. So while my knowledge of such venues is limited, I had trusty Yelpers along, Teri W bowls here in a league, and post UYE bowling is a frequent activity.
Like all things SouthPoint, the Bowling Center is large. After Grubbin with the Goyemonstah and Bingo with British Phone Sex lady, we took the short walk across the second floor to either bowl or spectate. We were told it would be a 30-45 minute wait, so we sauntered over to the bar.
The Bar area is larger and decidedly less smoky than the Suncoast. Our Barkeep was a super friendly young chap named (I sh@t you not) Mr. Rogers, Beet took his picture. He was asking us about our large group and the best part of all: a gin & tonic, vodka & soda and a sippy cup pour of Pinot Grigio for Mom only came to a whopping $11.25! He reminded me that we were at a locals casino: me likey :)
Our lanes were ready in less than 30 minutes, and we had a terrific time chatting and watching some great ball handling skills by Teri, April and Jeff (at his second UYE after Bingo) Even the chairs were fun, twirly and a source of amusement for ADHD types such as moi.
Though we left before the final match scores were in (is match the proper term?!) we had a great time. Again, everyone was welcoming to Mom, and she enjoyed catching up with "kids" she knew and meeting new ones.
There are certain aspects of bowling which activate my phobias: wearing other people's shoes; the slimy feeling inside the holes of the balls...I'd easily buy my own if it were to become a regular thang (though some would argue I already have balls bigger than Madonna's, but not the type necessary for this activity :) SouthPoint is also about 323.5 miles from home, but I'll return for bowling or just to watch. Cuz I'm a usual, Nelson has the BEST group and candid photos.
Yelp 100 Challenge