unfortunately this store hasn't been a 24 hour store for a long time. it is clearly a mismanaged store as the "express lane " which states 1-8 items is usually bogged down by people who are checking out with many more than 8 items and alcohol to justify the fact they are using the express lanes. after all if the only open cash that can check out alcohol happens to be an "express " lane. i too would choose it. this is nothing when compared to the fact that people in the express lanes are usually also checking and buying lottery tickets. there is nothing express about the express lanes at this store! buyer beware! i have complained about this numerous times but so far have always been ignored. software can and should be rewritten to not allow the cashier to enter more than a single digit number of entries forcing it to be an express lane. no lottery sales should be allowed at an express lane. checkout waiting times at this store are dismal.