I am a new patient with Dr. "T", but all experiences have been great. She ordered everything under the sun for me to check my complete overall wellness since I was a new patient and over 50 yo. When all lab and test results were in, we had a 30 minute follow up appointment where she reviewed every test result with me to ensure I understood, and then laid out her health plan for me which did NOT include a bunch of drugs, but supplements, diet and exercise to get me back on track. WOW! I feel like she actually cares about me as a person. She reordered tests to recheck levels in 6 weeks and we will also have a follow up appointment to discuss those results and revisit the plan. I also love that she is an early riser so I can go in first thing in the a.m. before work. And I love the hugs! Thanks, Dr. Tymczyna!