| - I came here to get 15 pages printed. The associate at the counter took my flash drive, but came right back with it and told me he'd do it in a second because one of the other employees was using the printer. That was fine until that "second" turned into 27 minutes (yes, I counted). For the first 15 minutes or so, I just looked at some nearby electronics in case he were to call me up. After that, I couldn't help but just stand right there at the counter waiting and giving him obviously annoyed glances. A man came up next to me that wanted some copies and the associate told him he'd have to wait, but the man explained they were just copies, so he apologized and made his copies right away. That actually irritated me even more because I NEVER got a single apology, not once.
FINALLY, after 22 minutes the printer was free. Instead of informing me politely, the associate just went in front of me and stuck out his hand so I could give him my flash drive. I figured I'd be out of there in a couple minutes after that, but I was wrong. He ended up printing my papers ONE BY ONE, all 15 of them. That's where that extra 5 minutes came from. When I asked him why he couldn't do it all at once, he said they had a "weird system." Even after checkout, he still didn't apologize for the wait or the inconvenience.
To top it all off, it wasn't until the next day when I was going through my prints that I realized he double printed two of the pages and completely left out three of the pages I needed printed.
Screw you Office Max on Charleston and your "weird system!"