Wine selection is impressive for Cleveland. Lots of great Italian wines. ( of course ) but also great ones from Napa. Portions are large and prices are fair for what you get.
I give it a 3 star review because of the server. The server was a bit rude. Didn't smile at all, no please, thank you, etc. When my mom, took a soup spoon from another diner for her soup, the server immediately took it and put it back in it's "proper place" and got another spoon for my mom. Totally unnecessary.
Living in the Ja Jolla /Del Mar area of San Diego there are plenty of high class restaurants and the servers don't act like that. She could have made the afternoon really nice for my family but even though the food was great, she put a real damper on the afternoon. Not sure I would return.
Note: I checked the box "not good for kids". However if your kids are well behaved and you don't mind paying for the food, they would be fine. I would have taken my kids when they were younger b/c they appreciate good food and will sit nicely. Definitely not a place if your kids like to run around as its a pretty small dining room.