| - I didn't think their would be anything positive to come from this situation, but I can honestly say that the positive part of it all was Happy Endings, from start to finish, they were incredible. I had to put down my 16 year old dog, Sadie. I was devastated at the thought of this but knew she was suffering and in incredible pain, and keeping her around was starting to become selfish, knowing how things could turn out very gruesome for her in the final stages of kidney failure. Before making the call, I was just dealing with it, but once I had to set the appointment, I LOST IT. Dr Fixler's wife was so comforting to me, and talked me through the process so I knew exactly what was going to happen. I don't think I stopped crying in the 2 days after that leading up to it. When the day arrived, I was an emotional WRECK, but Dr. Fixler and his nurse were so comforting and calming, and after examining Sadie, reassured my mom and I that we were doing the right thing for her. The fact that is was done in home, not on a cold vet table, but where Sadie (AND I) felt most comfortable is so awesome. I asked the Doctor is I could play music and he of course said yes (i wanted her to fall asleep to a nice peaceful Sam Smith song), and I was able to hold her, hug her, kiss her, right up until the end, and they didn't administer the final medication until I was fully ready. Sadie didn't feel a thing and was so relaxed and comfortable, thanks to the sedative they administer before the medication that I have heard is not always given in emergency or veterinary office cases. They were so thorough in their goal of making sure this would be painless for my baby, they even tested the catheter before injecting the medication so they knew it was in her vein. I had heard HORROR stories about people putting their dogs to sleep, and also about people not doing so and their dogs dying in pain and suffering, and I am so happy I was able to give my dog a final gift of a peaceful and painless sleep. On top of it all, today I received a heartfelt letter and poem with my dogs print on it that I was promised, and will cherish that forever. I would recommend Happy Endings to ALL of my friends and family and still cant believe that such a sad negative thing could be such a positive experience. I really felt at peace after it was over, and I am not sure I would have felt that way had we done with another route. I just have to say that if you are faced with this decision, and you want to have the best possible experience in this scenario... CALL HAPPY ENDINGS. It is 120% worth it in the end.