| - Oh, it wasn't *THAT* bad!
It's a FREE Show on the side of the strip. I'm not expecting Broadway here, or even Vegas Showgirls! (Let's face it: If they could cut it in a 'Real' show, they wouldn't be peddlin' their goods on the street, ya know?)
It's a pre-recorded Musical-Pirates vs. Sirens show with simplistic lyrics, water, and lots of cleavage. There is also lots of hip-thrusting, and lots of the generic Bend-And-Flip-Hair-Over-Arched-Back move. (One guess where lots of them got their "Dance Training")
Yeah, the "Story" is cheesey. The lip-syncing to pre-recorded Music and Dialogue is annoying. But there's FIRE! FIRE = COOL! And some cool aerial moves, too. The Pyrotechnics are worth the 10-15 minute diversion.
Plus, you know... IT'S FREE. Lighten Up, People.