| - The ONLY reason this place deserves one star instead of zero is because of the staff. They are friendly and will do what they have to to help people out. I can't say enough about them!
The downside, there aren't enough of them. I have been to this facility a number of times and have only seen a ref once or twice on the field. Otherwise, we're reffing ourselves.
There are three fields currently. Two are scenario and one is an Airball field. I say currently as the owner claims they are building a fourth but as of writing this, it is not completed.
The Airball field is ok. Its a little dirty but playable. If you can get on it that is. In the times I've been there, I've only gotten to play on it once. The other times it was being used by their team or being rebuilt. It really comes off as that field is only there to help their team practice and the others are there to support the facility.
As for the quality of the two scenario fields, it is quite poor. They are dirty and last time I was there, the cover was literally falling apart. We had to put pieces that had fallen down back up ourselves. I almost tripped a few times while playing because I didn't see a pallet or a piece of plywood that had fallen over.
The paint is also priced at a premium for low quality. The shells are hard and do not break consistently. If you go to the next step above their rec paint, it is better but, priced once again to high for what it is. You can get the same quality paint as the second tier stuff from LVPP from Vegas Xtreme Paintball for a fair amount less. On the up side, you can bring your own paint to LVPP.
The rentals are terrible. They are mainly old, used, abused, and neglected Tippmann 98s. I've had a number of my friends as well as myself go through multiple rentals before one that worked properly was found. Bring your own marker if you want to have fun.
As I said earlier, I did speak with the owner of the place. He seems like a nice guy but was really pushing hard to sell his fields. (He also owns Club Splat.) I can't say I fault him for that as it is his lively hood but, I just wish he took better care of the fields. Better care being keep the fields in better condition, not selling really poor paint at a premium, better maintained rentals, and actually having enough staff to ref and take care of all the fields.
From what I was told from him, now that Club Splat is done, his focus is going to be on LVPP and I hope it honestly is. The field needs a lot of TLC. As mentioned above though, he was selling his fields quite hard so I can't say if it is true or if he was just trying to talk them up. Only time will tell.
As a whole, I have been very underwhelmed with this field. The only reason I have gone back has been convenience of its location and my first choice being closed for a tournament.
If you want to have a good time paintballing, go to Vegas Xtreme Paintball. Their rentals, fields, and the facility as a whole are better and the paint is better priced for the quality you get. Not to mention, they are fully staffed.