| - This was a misunderstanding, and although I understand your frustrations in this heat you have to realize I try to do my best and help people out in the best way. I understand that my ad was with the plexi glass and I came to your house and quoted it with plexi after you told me that you wanted exactly like the ad. I am sorry but after I confirmed the price for the Plexi it was more expensive than what I had posted in the ad. I am sorry about that but you can appreciate that I made an honest mistake by re-posting the ad and not checking the details. I apologize for this in my haste to post the ad. After I confirmed the price for the plexi glass sheet it was more expensive, about another $90 at home depot, you can check this yourself. I hope you understand I can't pay $90 for a sheet of plexi glass and give it to you free, I'm trying to run a business. Therefore I told you the price and you did not agree so I left. I'm not sure why you kept calling me and asking me to lower my price, I simply can't! So we did not come to an agreement on the price but you kept calling me to come over.
I have had many customers before who did this to me and I go and do the work because I feel sorry for them and they end up paying me what they think is right or what they can afford. This is not the right way, in the end I get short changed, I have to pay for my gas, my services, and my time. This is business I can't do the work and walk away in debt, it's not personal. If you don't like my quote you are absolutely free to call another installer or who ever you want. After I gave my quote and you said no, that should have been the end of things. Yes I do have other work to do as I need to survive but I always come to customer's house to finish the job. I have never ever left anyone with a job half way or not show up. I do my best and try to manage my time the best way possible, I am very sorry that I could not do the job for you and I wish you all the best!