I brought my car to the just brakes location
455 W Broadway Rd #102, Tempe, AZ 85282
On Sunday 3/19/16 the appointment was for 1:30
I decided to try just brakes simply because just that... I needed my brakes fixed
My car is a 2006 Chevy Colbalt I keep this car mechanically sound so when i started to hear noises while braking i figured time was of the essence. I had recently replaced my front brakes a year prior and i only put 2k miles on the car in the last year (second car just in case first one goes down) so i figured it would be the back breaks.
So i take the car in at the fore mentioned time to have an inspection done so see if that was indeed the case ....
After dropping off my car about 2 hrs a gentleman called me and informed me my back breaks were fine and it was my front breaks that were making the noise because I was using metallic brake pads instead of ceramic. the gentleman quoted me a price of 189 or 199 to smooth out my rotors and add new pads. After a quick search if felt i could do the work on my own I have replacing breaks for a long time even worked at a midus for a brief moment replacing breaks. so i opted out
I pick up my car and that was that.
A week later i decided to go all out and get the best ceramic breaks money can buy and new rotors the cars not driven a lot so if it sits its ok
Well today 4/1/16 i goto install these pricey pads and roters started with the driver side personal best 20min 1 side so im thinking i got the in at bag .......
took off the hub cap on the passenger side and one of my posts were missing ..... i had four post i did not break one and I would NOT drive my car with 3 posts I could have been killed. At this point naturally i wanted to call up the store and voice my concerns, but at this point i will let cooler heads prevail
I still finished putting one the breaks ...... and they stripped a screw in one of other post...... for the love of all that is holy..... your JUST BREAKS for goodness sake.
And the employees did not even have the integrity to say anything to me. the manager hopped in my car took it for a spin and hopped out and said "take it easy" and i left.