Right at the intersection of N. Scottsdale Rd., N. Greenway-Hayden Loop and Mt. Getoveryourself Lane is the new shopping center, Scottsdale Quarters. Because there was not enough shopping at Kierland Commons and certainly not enough within the surrounding square mile, Scottsdale Quarters was wisely erected during this recession.
I visited because my daughters received H & M gift cards for Christmas and there is an H & M here. H & M is pretty much targeted at 20 somethings and wannabe 20 somethings. Sort of Ikea meets The Gap. Although in fairness I did spot a Sgt. Pepper looking jacket that I tried on...it just didn't work. For me or anyone.
So Scottsdale Quarters also has some upscale stores and Brio restaurant which I have not tried but it has reviewed pretty well. What they are lacking at this point is a good coffee house where dad's can chill while the kids are at H & M.
I like the upward rather than outward design of much of the shopping center. It would be nice if they add apartments or condos rather than office space above, Or at least a mix. That would certainly lend itself toward an urbanism that the Valley is missing.