| - Twas my first venture to this new location after its celebrated and highly anticipated grand opening, well at least for me anyway, since I live 11 minutes down the street, minus the school traffic. I had been waiting to use the coupon I saw from them in the 89012 mag for like EVA! I'm incredibly pleased overall and we've nestled in with a warm fuzzy blankey, kicked up our feet and decided to call this place our HOME VET, yaaaay!! (Insert tooting horns)
Not only was my initial booking over the phone with Katie pleasant and thorough, my visit with Dr. Sarah Misraji was FANTASTICALLY AMAZINGLY, well let's put it this way, she's flippin' GREAT! Out of the several vets I've been to in the valley, she surpasses them all by far. She cares so much for my sweet Lola and it shows. I appreciated her listening ear and upfront honest approach with how I choose to "raise" my precious pup (the holistic way). And she even offered Holistic ways to assist my baby versus the traditional normal go-to prescription medication, which I explained is NOT what I wanted. So she LISTENED (which is the key word here) to how I wanted to raise my dog. You see, it's like going to a mechanic, and unless you're trained on the working parts of a're basically screwed, unless you know what you're looking at. Same thing with the working parts of a dog or a cat, lol. If you don't know what you're dealing with, even though google claims to know everything, a trained veterinarian is still going to be the best option, but finding one that you can trust is truly the key element. intuition, lies softly and sweetly with the lovely Dr. Sarah, she rocks my socks!
A few interesting tid-bits:
They serve coffee/tea/water in the lobby. Now I'm not a coffee person but I hear that keurig thing is a beast, that's what they have.
I've wanted to get my lovely Lola pet insurance for a while now, and although they are not pushy salespeople, they still tell you the option of having the benefit of using their "Companion Care" which I signed up for. It saved me A LOT of money for the teeth cleaning Lola just got. Not to mention unlimited free office visits, yearly physical exams, vaccinations, etc etc etc....all the good stuff for $34.95 - for me, it's completely worth it. (Different pricing based on whatever plan you choose)
I also must mention how awesome Shannon is - she is the owner. Holy cow, she can rattle off information like you wouldn't believe, she's a walking encyclopedia. She cares and loves the animals so much too. These people are in it for the right reason. Yes it's a business, but I believe they have a happy balance here, they really do care and have integrity.
Animal Love/Business = Balance = The Right Reason
Anyhoo, I'm happy. Lola's happy. And I'm sure you'll be happy with Dr. Sarah :)