| - FOTO SHOP only: thanks for having a 35mm film developing machine, no thanks for not listening to this customer and dismissing me.
Situation: dropped off a disposable camera roll, and ASKED the film technician if this was full or used. It showed 27, so I ASKED if 27 meant used or remaining. I was assured it was USED. So, normal drop off - get claim ticket and go get dinner. I come back after an hour and a half, and the film was not yet opened.
Manager in a grey vest told me to come back in another hour, marked the price down 15%, and said come back. I just waited in the store, and got a flu shot.
So, after about 30 minutes, I wandered back to the foto counter, and the same guy in a vest basically told me: 1) the film was unused 2) the tech didn't check ("he's new") 3) I turned in a new film roll, 4) they could see the tab for unused film, but pulled it out anyway, 4) no cost, as nothing was developed and 5) come back again.
In the middle of this hustle out the door, I informed the guy TWICE i checked the film, and asked the technician if it was 27 used or remaining. NOPE, the guy in the gray vest was not listening. NOT listening. Not LISTENING. At all.
- What could have been done? To the film, nothing. To the employee? TRAINING. The manager? LISTEN to the customer telling you the information before doing the "ok - goodbye and come back!" sales line. TRAINING.
- So - if you decide to go there for the machine, not the staff;
1 - check the film twice
2 - ensure you know the price before you leave
3 - expect they'll get busy and not call you on time.
4 - check, check, check.