| - Props to Alwun House for hosting events like the Exotic Art Show. Uptight religious types are nowhere to be found in this free spirited atmosphere, and that deserves a couple of stars alone. This is the third Exotic Art Show I have attended, and I have to be honest in saying 2008's was my least favorite. The cold may certainly have dampened the vibe (where were the portable heaters?), or maybe the acts were less to my personal liking. Miss Satanica, an eater of fire and glass, was great (and quite the trooper for continuing her show in spite of an injured ankle), but her weird lame sidekick did nothing for her. Of the Earth musicians had talent, but also oozed pretention and sounded like Rusted Root. Even the Ringmaster, Nick Tarr, was funnier last year. Some of the dancers were amazing, especially Fatima from Spell, and Jen from Of the Earth. I wished they had been on far longer.
The pieces in the art exhibit itself always vary wildly, from tame and classically beautiful, to the uber-graphic, violent, or decidedly non-vanilla fetish. My personal favorites this year were Christian Correra (amazing frames as well as photography) and Sarah Clemens (whose gorgeous "Breezy" graced the cover of the program, and whom I luckily got to meet).
If you've never been, plan ahead for the Halloween party. It is a lot of fun in my experience, and is their other wild-side party of the year. Be forewarned, you cannot bring in alcohol (they have security who will check your bags), and you need cash to buy tickets at the door as well as drinks inside. Just beyond the back porch you will find a table where you can purchase tickets for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. If you have a body bubble, you'll probably be uncomfortable, because these events are always super crowded and you have to be one of the first in line if you want even a chance at a seat.