Call Brittany Spears, because I did it again. I went to the chain chicken joint and guess what, they don't make very good chicken. I justified it with the "on the way home" rationale backed up by the "they aren't a major chain" basis. Yeah, they may not be McDonald's but they sure suck like McDonald's.
It really isn't too hard to make chicken and I almost dare say hard to screw it up. El Pollo Loco likes to beat those odds apparently. Think thin chicken breasts a little overcooked with loose skin. I guess it beats the alternative of under cooked chicken which would result in an awesome vacation to my lavatory. El Pollo Loco has some pretty good spices to work with and even better equipment by the looks of it. When you walk in you are instantly welcomed by some pretty sweet aromas. Presumably that is where they get you around the outside, the smells. Give your order and take it seat, though. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
The restaurant was fairly empty so I don't know why it took so long to get our food. Blame it on the drive through I suppose. Again, the smells are nice when they arrive but the chicken just falls apart after that. In some cases, this is literal. Rubbery skin, mushy chicken, and the flavors just kind of slop around in that mess. The biscuits are dry and pretty flavorless making the highlight a well mixed fountain drink. Yeah, it was pretty bleak.
Never again I say. I drive past this location very often since it is in my vicinity but I don't even look at it anymore. I feel like it is mocking me because it led me astray. It was the temptation that reminded me of why don't do the chain thing if at all possible. I would have rather been disappointed by Chick-fil-A. At least then I would have had some good chicken out of the deal.