Had my 5 year olds birthday party there because he loves Lego (and I do too, since childhood). Overall the experience was horrible, in the extreme. Like nothing I have ever experienced. Here's the deal:
1. It's expensive. But Lego is such a renowned brand I figured it'd be worth it. NOPE
2. Totally disorganized. Two parents are included in the price (ok fair enough), they then tell you that additional parents must pay for entry to attend (also fair enough). But what they don't tell you is that the additional parents cannot attend the actual birthday party unless they have pre-paid an additional fee. Not knowing this, the parents all went into the party room, only to be told they all had to leave. So of course the kids start crying wondering why their parents are leaving. It was just bizarre.
3. The parents who were forced to leave were then told they could not stay in the main area unless they are supervising kids. So at this point they are not allowed in the party room and are not allowed outside the party room. Again, just bizarre.
This place, that operates under the auspicious Lego brand, is so disorganized that a totally normal child birthday scenario literally rips parents away from their crying children and into an intractable situation. I kid you not.