Fifteen dollars for a Bud Light? What is this, the future? I'm pretty sure most nightclubs on The Strip have cheaper drink options. I guess their overpriced cover charge isn't enough to accommodate reasonably priced drinks.
Luckily I didn't have to pay a cover. I was at a party at a bar with a group of random people. One of them happened to be a middle man for the strip club, and said we'd get free drinks, free entry to the strip club, and free transportation to and from the strip club via "party bus."
Party bus turned out to be a van. The middle man implied that we'd get free drinks at the strip club, but all we got was a free shot of generic flavored vodka in the van. Transportation was not free. Within 15 minutes of being there, at least five of us took an Uber back to our cars.
When we walked into the club, it was dead. 2 people sitting at the bar. It looked like we were the only potential customers there. Other than that, the place was empty. There wasn't even a dancer on the stage or girls walking around. What a joke. This should be a comedy club.