Lululemon's clothes are great quality which is why I'm giving the store 3 stars. I think the crop pants are worth every penny for long distance running, and I love my enlite bra and other bras i have bought over the years. I have several pairs of shorts that are comfortable and very well designed. However I am not a fan of this location and suggest shopping online (free shipping and returns!) Or visiting Crocker park instead.
I have visited this store several times as i used to work on the east side and the staff is not helpful and can be downright rude. I've had several of the girls at the west side store help me pick out clothes but the east side staff doesn't show as much interest. The last time I went in I had a reward from strava and a postcard from a recent event I attended that said I could bring it in for special deals. I asked about both and the strava award was a free shirt and the postcard got me 25% off two or more running items. I was pressed for time as I wanted to make it to a yoga class but wanted to take advantage of the deal. I told the lady that I would get my strava shirt today and come back Thursday for more shopping. I went into the dressing room to try the shirt on and she was not quiet about telling another worker right outside my door that I claimed I had a class to go to and I wouldn't actually be back. I mean, come on if you're going to talk smack about a customer don't do it while she can hear You! I had every intention of coming back as 25% off was a great deal, but I never went back to the store after that. Maybe it was just one employee having a bad day, but overall I feel like the people at this store are uppity and the west side folks are so much nicer and helpful.