I wish there were 1/2 stars for ratings - I would give 3.5. (bumped up to a 4 to support local business).
A 45min drive for a tour that was less than - I think it was about 30 mins. And it didn't even include watching any milking or the making or any dairy products at all?? A tractor took us up and down the rows of cows, while giving a description of their keep, instruction of their care, information on their lifespan & day-to-day life. you could try some milk afterwards (yippee) for an additional $1 to the $7.50 tour price.
I did want to support the farm further, and did so by purchasing products such as milk, cream, butter and cheese.
I guess I would (sorta) recommend it, it is fun and informative for the kiddies. But I would only do something like this like once/yr (ie: queen creek olive mill).