This is a five star fast food joint.
They cook in peanut oil, which makes the food taste MUCH better. Don't believe me? Try eating Sonic tater tots after having two bites of Chick-Fil-A anything. You will never want to eat fried food anywhere else again.
The best part about this place is they are so family-oriented. They have family nights every week. They recently had a Daddy-Daughter night which was really well-organized. They even had questions for each dad to ask his daughter and for each daughter to ask her dad, They also have a Mother-Son night planned for this month.
The owner of the location really makes a difference in any restaurant. CFA corporate really chooses franchisees who care. Then they invest in those people so they can succeed and build their own business. It is amazing.
The food is delicious. The business model is awesome. The employees are wonderful. Last week the window employee made me smile because she was so joyful and serving with a happy heart. That smile lasted me a long time and was contagious!
I can't see wanting to eat fast food anywhere else.
P.S. They have these little chicken minis for breakfast that are highly addictive!