I went to this PW on Monday, December 26th, 2016, the day after Christmas. I ordered the pad thai with extra egg & two crab wontons, all to-go.
Shortly thereafter I went home to eat said food. I ate about half of the pad thai & both wontons. Immediately after, I felt a dull pain in my stomach. I figured I'd nap & sleep it away.
The dull pain continued into the night, & into the early morning, except that it had upped the ante to include violent vomiting & forceful diarrhea. I spent the entire night & morning on the porcelain throne regretting my decision to eat PW that day. It is almost a full day later & I'm still not 100%.
So will I be going back to this PW? After the hellacious food poisoning I experienced the answer is a resounding hell no.