Had transmission replaced. Nothing but problems since, including, but not only, an incidental fog/smoke machine jetting from the rear of my "fixed" car on the highway the day after picking up from their lot. (Trans fluid POURING from cooler line onto exhaust manifold.) Somehow that was my fault and had to pay an additional fee for them to correct. -I did just to get it over and done with. (Smug elderly fella JK, the receptionist, told me I voided the warranty driving after seeing the smoke and wouldn't have the problem fixed unless I dished out more lining for his pockets.) - JK currently denies having ever said any of this and claims that after a thorough and exhausted search of his prestine records he can find no evidence that my vehicle has ever had the "Bruce" magic performed on it.
"Bruce" claims 1 year warranty on work but the mouth wearing the Hawaiian shirt that sits in the front office WILL try to silver-tongue his way out of honoring it.
One year later I still have a slow leak of trans fluid somewhere that leaves adorable little stains on my driveway.
Bottom line is "Bruce" provides horrible service, and JK believes he can talk his way out of any sort of accountability on his end now that he's in his golden years.