The care we received was substandard. My mother in law was recovering from heart surgery and not doing well. We noticed something was wrong but the nurses kept insisting everything was ok. It turned out she had a UTI that went unnoticed we requested a test for the UTI otherwise it would have never been found until it may have been too late to reverse.
Then she was given Seroquel to have her calm down against our wishes. This was a psychotropic drug that was unnecessary.
The neighborhood is also not safe and the Valet service closes at 10:00 PM
We needed to be there for the entire stay ( 24/7 ) to insure she got the care she needed. She was also dehydrated and the nurses did nothing until we insisted something was done,
The attending doctor was annoyed if we made any suggestions and it wasn't until our cardiologist came in and gave specific instructions that anything got done,
Terrible care, I would not have even given this hospital one star if it wasn't required by Yelp.