I was staying in town for the evening for business. I had some extra time on my hands and wanted to get a cut. Since I was already feeling guilty for "cheating" on my regular barber, I couldn't stomach the thought of getting a trim in a salon (French for "not a barber").
Ron's had all the trademarks of an authentic barbershop; a no frills sign, a barber pole, straight razors and a bunch of barbers who know how to use them properly. Ron gave me a shampoo, a cut, and a part so hard it could break rocks...all for $12!
More than that, he also told me a faster route back to my hotel, about a vintage car show that would be worth checking out, and two local eateries that served man-sized portions. All included in the original $12.
I would never encourage being unfaithful, but my barber and I may have to talk about me "seeing other barbers."