My family and I had just git into town and were staying in a small place right up the street from Little Italy and we decided to go into Little Italy for dinner. We decided on La Dolce Vita, which was the best choice that we could've made. We walked in and immediately we were greeted by a wonderfully old-fashioned atmosphere. We were seated and the owner came over with a metal mixing bowl with this wonderfully colored dish that he called Faro, and just gave it to us on the house. It was very apparent that everyone there was extremely passionate about the food that they made. We told them to just bring us what they thought we should have and they came out with a meal of at least six courses, all of them absolutely amazing. I ate until I was full and then I ate some more. After we had finished the main meal, they brought out an amazing dessert that they put on the house as well. After that was cleared and we were waiting for the check, the owner came out with a bottle of wine that was an amazing amber color and explained that it was a very nice, and traditional dessert wine in Tuscany and let us sample it for free. We left felling beyond satisfied and happy. If I could I would rate it 10/5. The atmosphere was amazing and the owner came over and actually talked to us about the history of the food, which made it way better than the restaurants that are just out to make a profit.