A good burger, but still not enough to defeat the venerable In-N-Out in value and taste.
I use to eat at Fatburgers ages ago because it was by my college campus, so convenience factor was there. But got converted once I discovered In-N-Out despite having to drive out to get it. Never looked back since.
Funny thing happened, I was going to try LBS Burger so I asked the Fatburger employee where its at. Yup, I really did ask Fatburgers where I can find their competitor burger place is at. They didn't know.
Was at Red Rock waiting for the movie to start so just grabbed a bite here. For around $11 I got a really big burger and fries. I got a pretty good value based on the size of the burger and the fries, but flavor just didn't impress me. Much better than Fuddruckers. Fries were very good though with the clean and crispy flavor.
Good place to get burger if you're in Red Rock. You probably won't be disappointed, but if you have the option to go with In-N-Out, do yourself a favor and go there instead.