| - Made my last shopping trip to B&C today, customer service is terrible, I was made to feel I did something wrong by spending $400 the other day on a Spider & Blet and then having to exchange the $31 belt for a $29 belt today because the $31 belt didn't fit.
When I ask to just get the $2 refund (I paid cash) they acted as if I had asked for their first born, made excuse after excuse, told me that it would "Look funny if they returned the $31 item and gave me the difference of $2, would look suspicious in their computer"....really? Exactly how is it suspicious to refund me my $2? I understand the All Sale Final and it makes complete sense on lens, cameras, and other things that people might try to buy and return instead of renting, but the belt had all of the original tags intact and had been purchased 2 days prior.
Their attempt to make it square with me, and not refund my $2, was to give me a cleaning cloth priced $9.95, the beauty of this..... was that she totaled the register and says to me that will be $8.06 ...SERIOUSLY... I just stared at her for a minute, and then told her I am not spending another dime in here, I never wanted the cleaning cloth in the first place, as I have a hundred at home.
The other employee in the store (male) says just discount the cloth so that is free.... Ok, so let me get this straight, It looks better in their system to write off a balance of a sellable item then it does to simply give a customer their change??? WOW. Best part was she could not for the life of her figure out how to make it zero out with tax. At this point I just told them just forget the $2 and give me the new belt and they can just keep the dang money. It was $2 for gods sakes.
At this point the male employee comes over and with a snarky tone says "Just give her the $2 I will take it out of my pocket"....AGAIN SERIOUSLY!!!! I was treated like I was doing something wrong. I explained that this would be my last time shopping there, and that I would make my purchases on Amazon or at the trade shows where I am treated with some respect.
Just a suggestion B&C, you might want to start training your 20-something employees some customer service skills. $2 just cost you a customer...keep in mind it isn't because of the dollar amount but rather principle and the way I was treated.