| - I am a 57 year old captain with one of the big three airlines. (I also live part-time in Santa Rosa, CA) I played guitar in elementary school, and even had a band. We were pretty good! Unfortunately, I let my guitar lapse and only took it up again a few years ago.
First, a little history. When I started learning again three years ago, I went out and found a local instructor. He was very gifted and technically proficient, but didn't know how to gauge where his students were on the ability ladder. He was always leading me down paths made for a much more advanced student, not realizing I was still having trouble with the basics, like identifying all the chords correctly. (among other things; I had forgotten a lot in fifty years!)
I found another teacher who slowed things down a lot, and I finally learned the WHY behind a lot of the basics. However, this instructor was over 70 and I got the feeling I would be stuck with strumming simple songs for a long time.
I eventually bought a used Fender Stratocaster and had it set up at the Guitar Center on Indian Bend at 101. When I asked about guitar lessons, the guitar tech recommended I give Scottsdale Music Academy a try. The owner, John Davis, called me back and we set up a first lesson.
I could tell immediately John and I were going to get along well. John has a very quiet and peaceful demeanor, which is essential for a teacher. He is also very friendly! John also listened patiently as I ran through all the avenues available to a new guitar player. (learn to read music, play simple strumming songs, join a band, play for friends, play solo in cafes, or just pluck happily away at licks and vignettes from famous songs)
We decided that given my interest in learning to solo, we would start there. John introduced me to the A Minor pentatonic scale. (penta=five, tonic=tones or notes)
I went home and practiced it.
My big breakthrough came in the next lesson where John introduced me to a "backing track" (a full band playing the scale with various styles and instruments) and asked me to play the scale along with the track. I was astounded that the scale, rather than sounding brittle and dry, now sounded like REAL MUSIC!!!
From there, John slowly added to the scale. He taught me how to play it backwards and forwards, and gradually taught me licks to go along with the scale. We also learned a blues variation to play with a blues backing track.
Yesterday John introduced me to a new backing track with a definite jazz feel, and for the first time I am starting to riff on the scale! (I realize I am soloing in the very small confines of this scale, but it is riffing and soloing nevertheless!)
I am also taking voice lessons from Sam, (John's voice instructor) and hope someday to sing and play The Girl from Ipanema like Joao Gilberto. I speak Portuguese fluently as I grew up in Brazil, and love this song!
I am pleased, but more importantly, EXCITED about learning with John and Sam. It takes enthusiasm to learn something well.
That's how the heart gets into the matter.