| - This school doesn't even deserve a star - they need to make dead star rating an option for this school. My husband is in the incarcerated program and is made to feel like he is worthless. The staff actually told us we need to be grateful that he is even in the program, that was after telling me, "I guess I shouldn't expect you to know how to register him, I have a master's degree".
What is wrong with these people? What does having a master's degree have to do with anything. I have a Master's Degree and am retired military ... and I am actually very aware of what I am doing when it comes to registering for courses. I graduated from GateWay, these people are rude and very unprofessional. Maybe they work with incarcerated people so they can feel better about themselves.
I just want to say, no one there at Rio is better than any one of those inmates, and if they are willing to better themselves then why not work with them. Isn't that what the program is for? I don't believe in giving up on people, especially if they are actively trying to better themselves, especially if they support of their friends and family, that only increases their likelihood of sucess.
I spoke to the dean of the school to try and resolve the issue and informed her of her staffs behavior, she was about as helpful as her staff. I was told that the individual was dealt with, I doubt anything was really done about it. Rio Salado doesn't care about Arizona inmates or rehabilitating them - I know from first hand experience.
They are absolutely NOT providing any type of encouragement, support without being made felt useless or being educationally encouraged. They are a hindrance to the inmate every step of the way. It's to bad it's the only option - my husband wants to do better and Rio is making is so hard for him to complete his coursework. Even having me to support him and communicate with Rio on his behalf in regards to the inappropriate and unprofessional behavior goes unnoticed. It's too bad someone that matters doesn't do something about it. Apparently, Rio can do what ever they want and treat people how ever they want, not actually help the inmates they get funded to help. I am not ever sure what the incarcerated program is for if it's not to help rehabilitate and educate our inmates.
It's two way street people! Remember you have a job to help the inmates you believe need to be grateful to you! Think about it ...