| - Honestly, I do like this place. It's awesome. It's everything I want and love in a bar.
It's no-nonsense, dive-y, stank nasty greatness! Very chill environment.
I'm used to bars like this, because there are a smattering of 'em like this one all over Minneapolis.
Over here, people are like, "Oh wow! A punk bar! Ooooo, lookie!" Where as I was all like, "Oh yeah. I feel at home in this place." haha.
I decided to try the Graveyard Special, not fully reading the sign to notice it was only during "graveyard hours" you got the "special" for $5. FACEPALM. I felt like a ginormous DERP, but ordered it anyway at the normal $7 price. The (awesome and very attentive might I add) bartender brings out a can-o-Hamms, a shot of "ass juice" and a mini slim jim. ALLRIGHT! It was damn good too. The ass juice is actually quite tasty, despite the name.
It was pretty awkward at one point though, because my two gay loves had never been to a bar like this. So they continuously were embarrassing me by pointing at all the inappropriate things they saw, reading every poster and sign on the wall OUT LOUD, and giggling hysterically.
So please people. Don't bring friend's here who can't handle stuff like that! Take it from me.
Moving on, I genuinely love this bar because it reminds me of home. Also, they have bands that stop by to play shows. Looking forward to coming back to see one!
There was one thing that did bother me, and that's why they are missing a star. I didn't personally witness it, but my friend's boyfriend brought it to my attention. There was a transgender man that walked in and according to him, some of the regulars were making fun of the guy. Really? You're in the "fruit loop." Get over it. That's just not cool. I seem to remember not long ago that hanging out in a punk bar or having your knuckles, face or neck tattooed automatically meant your were a low-life, ex-con or uneducated.
I don't like getting judged or people making rude comments to me about my tattoos, so that sort of thing really bugs me.