Wanted a real Friday fish fry up! All the Mom n Pop's corner spots close early out here in Wisconsin.. we're talking before 6pm... so turned to YELP to see what the locals recommend and came across this little gem! Warm friendly welcome as you enter the store.. there's a chalkboard with prices and specials as well as cold cases of their fresh seafood catches! You can opt to order your food to take home and prepare it as you may... or you can opt to have the shop prepare your food as well.. considering I am the weary traveler staying in the hotel ..I opted for them to hook it up.. and hook it up is EXACTLY what they did.. even at market value you actually can walk away with a steal of a deal for dinner fare.. soo GLAD we ventured here.. fish fry for two.. crab n cheese stuffed jumbo shrimps and clam chowder if course.. $30.. if you're around the area I too recommend stopping in and checking them out.. promise you won't be disappointed...btw.. they have a lobster tank.. pick away! KUDOS to you guys for our dinner!