First I call to get appointment and they kept me on hold for 15 minutes and never came back to phone. So I go online make appointment. I waited for awhile then couple of girls tell me we need to do couple of tests. Fine. But they had no idea what they were doing. I've been wearing glasses since I was five and took those test many times they had no clue how to work the machine and blamed me said I wasn't putting my head in the right position. Waited Long to get exam. When I got done I was told they would give me a temporary pair. Found out they only had on hand a contact prescription for one eye. In my other eye they give me the same prescription I already was wearing. I was told the trials would come in 7 days. Well when I called to see my trials had came in nobody called me back. So I finally I decided to go to another place to get them. The other company faxed over a sheet so They could get prescription of what I needed. The doctor refused said he couldn't give it to them. When told it's because I never came back for follow up I had to argue with manager told her that I had not received the correct prescription for the other eye yet. Then she says" it takes two weeks to get that". Then proceeded to tell me she can't do anything about it I have to wait. I told her if someone would have told me that I would have went somewhere else. My job requires me drive for a living. And two weeks is not an option for me. I asked if they could at least release it so I could get trial pair from this other place. They refused. So because of them my dot can not be renewed on time.