This might be more of a frustration venting session rather than a review but I can't take it anymore! This review will probably be done before my smoothie is finished. 3 stars in the day but late at night I would give it a negative if that was possible! There is still old and I mean old man that takes the night shift. He'll take his sweet ass time with one smoothie and don't be surprised if he goes at the back and forgets about you. Only reason I don't tell him off or ask for his manager is because I kind of feel sorry for him because a man that old and still working must be working for a reason and as mad as I can be I still have a heart and don't wanna get a person of that age fired. He still frustrates the hell out of me when I see him though. I timed him once and literally took him 15min to make my smoothie and it was just me!
At least I had a good workout. Goodnight y'all and oh my Lakers finally won a damn game!
......hell no he forgot to add the protein in my smoothie! I'm already in the car and don't feel like walking back.