I had to give it one star to post this. I have eaten rotten, expired food before, I will eat pretty much anything, my gut is lined with steel. I have never felt so close to vomiting after eating before. If you like grey undercooked old chicken that has been under an lightbulb (yes I said light bulb no heat lamp). Soggy meat (I'm not sure exactly how meat can be soggy but it was). Some sick experiment using spagetti noodles and Asian,..... You know what there isn't really any way to describe just how disgusting this place was. Here is the best part we leave within 3 minutes of sitting down and they don't even ask if everything was ok i.e. The food. I should have said we weren't paying but I was worried that they may not give me the antidote to whatever they poise we me with if I caused any trouble. And I'm sorry I didn't warn the men that came in as I was leaving, if you are reading this I hope you are still alive. I'm pretty sure I'll be taking my wife to have her stomach pumped now.