Dr. Monzingo has been treating me for nearly 2 years. Initially it was for health- no injuries but then this year, I had a neighbors dog knock me down and I landed on my neck. The pain is awful and has impacted my daily life significantly. Dr. Monzingo is great, he really listens and provides a great experience. I am healing and it is a slow process. The great news is that he provides results not a quick fix!
I also DO NOT LIKE NEEDLES at all. I tried and found accupuncture very helpful. It is not easy initially to allow the accupuncture process to happen but within minutes you know it is working. The results are awesome, the needles, not so much.
My family has been receiving chiropractice care for years, my children since they were babies and we know it works.
Fioraleeza is hands down, just an awesome office Manager.