Not sure whether they sell Duff Beer or the ingredients for a Flaming Moe here, but if anybody does it would be Total Wine. There are so many different kinds of beer here, Homer would be in alcoholic bliss. If you want to stock up on different beers for a party, you will want to fill your shopping cart here because their prices and selection are absolutely the best around. They also have a great selection of wines (obviously) and liquors from around the world. There is also a nice selection of gifts suitable for host or wedding gifts. The staff is friendly and helpful with your selection. The only drawback to this huge store is that once your shopping cart is heavily laden with worldly libations, it becomes difficult to negotiate the aisles that are swarming with customers and stock-persons. There could also be a better walkway between the front parking spots to get your cart out to your car. Nobody on staff has ever offered to help me out, even though I am a tiny gal. Where is Duffman when you need him?