*****Coyote Alert!!****I love the Draw for hiking, particulary the Voaz loop up above Christianson trail. it is very beautiful up there and it is such a nice place to forget you are in the middle of the city. In fact be prepared to encounter wildlife. I saw a rattlesnake on Thursday and then a coyote approached my dog 3 times on Friday, and by approached I mean ran right up to him. I thought it was a brown dog off-leash at first. (my dog is close to 40 lbs-a Wheaten terrier) I had to stomp my feet and yell for the coyote to scamper away. I even had to toss some rocks in its direction. He definitely was stalking us. The coyote was not afraid of me at all but very interested in my dog. I was very lucky that my dog did not get bitten-close call!! If you have a small/medium dog-definitely take precautions. I found out that it is coyote pup season so they are particularly aggressive.
Anyway, the coyote scare aside, Dreamy Draw is a great place to hike the many trails as well as mountain bike.